Our tutor Julie de Lorenzo starts the workshop. Kim, Laura, Brendan and Graham chose to be as close to her as possible.
Baona, Ros, Cecily and Marianne absorb every word
Kerry, Jan Petroff , Colleen, Jan Hassal, John and Liz are all attention
Julie is showing the first task...
We try not to miss a word
The real work began
Jan and Colleen concentrate on the second task
The tasks are harder and harder
A bit of laughter always helps, especially when the first task is done well...
Elisabeth it taking it all in...
Marianne is examiming her work
Cecily is totally absorbed in her work
Jan considers the tutor's comments
Graham and Laura pay attention
Kerry is in deep thoughts.
All our production even does not fit on the floor
Our model Kratea Petroff does not look disappointed.